You like smooth beats? Me too.
I picked up Persona 5: Royal during the Holiday sale that the PS store is currently having (until 1/19/21, so here’s a chance for you to get it too!) and I’ve been definitely enjoying it so far. I was hesitant at first to literally re-buy the same game I already had, but seeing as how I hadn’t even come close to finishing the original, and how much new content it has, I figured I could see it all the way through this time with its new bells and whistles.
When Persona 5 first came out I was instantly hooked on what I’d never been hooked on in video games before, really: it’s style. Which is a choice and also very much what I was feeling when it came out in 2017. By then it had been a year since my three-month stay in Japan with one of those months being spent solely in Tokyo. Needless to say, I missed the city, and Persona 5 filled that hole in a way I don’t think anything else really could have.
Now that I’m replaying it in the form of Royal and ready to pour countless hours more into this immersive, rabble-rousing, turn-based, monster collecting, dating sim drama that really sticks it to the man, I feel like the recent Spotify additions means I can now mix the music into my daily listens instead of streaming lo-fi recreations and compilations of other people’s favorites on YouTube.
So, with that being said, here are my favorites.
Yes, there are all the versions of Beneath the Mask on there because, yes, it is the most stellar track of the game and, yes, one I only occasionally get sick of hearing when I idle in game while it’s sunny out IRL but one I never tire of when the weather outside is gray and rainy.
That being said it’s only natural for a soundtrack of this acclaim to have a vinyl release. And I am this close to pulling the airsoft gun trigger on that bad boy.
There are other Persona soundtrack releases on Spotify but I’m not familiar with them, so P5 loyalty it is. Also check out AniPlaylist if you’re on the Spot and looking to keep abreast of all new anime op/ed releases as well as video game ones. Sony recently dumped a whole buttload of old content onto the platform, so aside from screaming over the addition of Nico Touches the Wall and the rest of Bird Bear Hare and Fish’s musical collections, you can find tons of older opening songs from Bleach, Naruto, and others. What a day to go for a walk along the city streets at night (masked up, of course!)
So I leave you with that — happy listening, Phantom Thieves!